402,50 zł
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1 x
Farba Haussmann HATO Color do Green Screen, Green Box 1L
327,24 zł (netto)
Razem (netto):
327,24 zł
Razem (netto):
327,24 zł
Przedstawione kalkulacje nie stanowią oferty w rozumieniu kodeksu cywilnego.
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Opłata początkowa:
60,38 zł (brutto)
0,00 zł (brutto)
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Raty dla firm
Leasing dla firm
Raty dla firm
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Przedstawione kalkulacje nie stanowią
oferty w rozumieniu kodeksu cywilnego.
Miesięcznie (brutto):
20,14 zł
HATO®Color Key video paint are used for embossing film shots to retroactively impose persons or objects on a background. This allows the blue or green scenic backgrounds to be filtered out and processed by means of matting or keying process.
HATO®Color Key video paintare matt-drying, elastic colours for all interior wall surfaces, e.g. plaster, masonry, textiles, plasterboard and old, firmly adhering coatings.
HATO®Colorcan be brushed, rolled and sprayed on. The surface must be firm, clean, dry and free of release agents. Highly absorbent surfaces should be primed with Aubinol 10, diluted with water in a proportion of 1 to 4 volume parts. Depending on the absorptive strength, the solution can be applied several times in a wet-on-wet procedure.
Consumption: Approx. 150–250 ml/m2
Thinner addition: Approx.10–30 vol. % of water
Please note: Store cool and dry, close containers firmly after use. Clean equipment with water immediately after use.
Safety: When using a spray gun, it is advisable to follow the usual precautions such as wearing a protective mask or air extraction. In our experience, health hazards can be ruled out if the material is used correctly and hygienic precautions for handling chemicals are observed.
Labelling: No hazardous substance in terms of the German Directive on Hazardous Substances
Shipment: In 5 – litre containers. We have compiled the above information bas ed on our own extensive experience working with this product. It is believed to be reliable. However, no warranty, guarantee or representation is made to the correctness or sufficiency of the information and offering it does not constitute or imply anyliability. The user of this product must decide what measures are necessary to safely use this product, either alone or in combination with other products. We always recommend that a test be made with any product you have not tried before.