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DATAVIDEO RMC-260 for SE-1200MU Digital Video Switcher


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Opis produktu

The RMC-260 is a cost effective remote controller designed specifically for the SE-1200MU Digital Video Switcher. The RMC-260 interfaces with the SE-1200MU via an RS-232 interface. The RMC-260 is a switcher-style controller, an alternative to the PC Controller software of SE-1200MU, all keys on the unit are clearly defined for quick and easy operation.

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Specyfikacja i materiały

SE-1200MU Digital Video Switcher remote controller A switcher style keyboard for SE-1200MU operation Clear key definitions Support Keyers enable and function assignment quickly Save user behavior to user memory keys and load them quickly Two keyers with two corresponding knobs for assignment of Keyer 1/2 sources XPT (Cross Point Assignment) Take button to switch between PVW and PGM views FTB button fades the PGM view to a black screen Cross Dissolve button applies cross-dissolve transition effect to switching between PGM and PVW views Still Grab function captures the instantaneous video image RS-232 interface for communication between RMC-220 and SE-1200MU Bright LED lighting

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